Red Rider

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Welcome to my first post. I hope you keep an eye out for my infrequent posts and that  I can add some insight into the world of vintage design and decorative arts. I have been an avid collector and dealer since I was at high school and was selling my opp shop and Camberwell market finds to the Chapel Street dealers so that I could head to Greville street and buy clothes at Route 66. While the term “vintage style” covers a huge range of styles and eras, my personal preference is for mid-century modern design and vintage industrial pieces reappropriated for modern living. I have a great love for pop and trash culture also so I’m always on the look out for the ironic as well as the iconic. Kitsch and retro touches can add a great sense of warmth and humour when used sparingly. One of the best things about vintage furniture and home wares is the evocative colours, fabrics and textures. I am always on the look out for interesting ways to use vintage pieces so contact me if you have any ideas or links.

Josh Freeman

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